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To give you an example of the difference between pilots, here's how most pilots get a soda out of a soda machine.

  • The Warbird pilot walks up, puts two quarters in the machine, and hits the button of the soda he wants.

  • The Javelin pilot waits until someone else puts in two quarters, then runs up, presses a button, grabs the soda, and runs for it.

  • The Leviathan pilot walks up with a sledgehammer...

  • The Spider pilot stealthfully creeps up behind the guy getting a soda, and then leaps to grab it, at which point the other guy beats him to a pulp.

  • The Terrier pilot uses one hand to put in the quarters and the other hand to press the button. Then he uses one hand to grab the soda, and the other to beat the Spider pilot to a pulp.

  • The Weasal pilot first unplugs the machine to make sure it doesn't get any ideas, then opens the door and grabs some sodas.

  • The Lancaster pilot walks up, throws both quaters at the oppsite wall then reflects them off of the oppsite wall into the vending machine.

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