Chaos Zone Expert
This site is maintained by the CZE Vangels
Visits since 1/6/99

Chaos Stuff
-Message Board
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SubSpace News
-SubSpace HQ

League Sites
-DSB League
-Euro Leagues:
  • Epsilon
  • Delta
  • Omega

  • -Pro League
    -Trench Wars
    -United League
    -WarZone League

    Misc. & Links
    -Ein's Minefield
    -NME Base
    -Squad Hosting
    -SS Impact
    -Shiners Gallery
    -Tech Support

    No pic yet :( Handle: CAVITATION
    Fav Ships: Warbird
    Fav Zones: Chaos, League
    Email: }-{
    ICQ: 7047022
    Name: Steven Tomita
    HomeTown: Honolulu, Hawaii
    Age: 21

    Other Activities: like to race cars on the freeway, play sports (bball, etc)
    Comments: Everyone who plays SS becomes an addict... they should make a patch for it, like nicotrol... hehe

    Cavitation started out playing in CZW then made the move to Nevada like most Westers did, when Nevada went down, he again followed his squad to CZE. Cav's turrets are infamous in their distructive power, and his solo flying is nearly unmatched in its aggressiveness. He preforms in league like he does in chaos, with 3 MVP's so far this season.

    Chat Channel
    To get ahold of the Vangels, moderators or general chaos foolios, join the chat, cze. If you have no other chat, type ?chat=cze and use the ; key to send to it. If you already have a chat channel, you are allowed to have up to five chats, for example ?chat=cze,omega. ; sends to the channel cze and ;2; send to channel omega.
    CZE Vangel meetings are held every Tuesday night, at 10pm EST. The location is in the zone (type ?go meeting).